The Dauphin's Treasure
The Dauphin's Treasure
The Dauphin's Treasure
The Dauphin's Treasure
The Dauphin's Treasure

The Dauphin's Treasure

Authors: Letizia Arbeteta Mira and Leticia Azcue Brea. English. Paperback. 22 x 28 cm. 112 pages.

Guide to the collection of the Treasure of the Dauphin, a unique set of vases made of rock crystal and ornamental stones enriched mostly with precious materials, inherited from his father by Philip V, the first Bourbon king of Spain.


This guide provides an insight into the Treasure of the Dauphin, its origins, the materials used and the different workshops involved in its manufacture, as well as the history of the collection and the valuable cases that protected the works in this exceptional collection, which is on display in its entirety in the Museo del Prado.

Illustrated with photographs and details that are as faithful as possible to the original works, the guide is divided into ten chapters, corresponding to their organisation in the rooms of the Museum. It also includes a glossary of terms, a chapter devoted to the marks made by silversmiths and public officials (fermiers) in Paris during the last quarter of the 17th century, and an index of authors and works.

ISBN: 9788484804833

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