The Tomon Hyakka is a splendid set of designs published in Kyoto in 1891, consisting of two volumes with fifty prints in each. The Museo Nacional del Prado has a copy of the first volume of this work in its collection, from the collection of Antonio Correa Ruiz (1923-2008), which has never been exhibited or reproduced until now.
Translated as One Hundred Designs of Flowers or One Hundred Designs of Beautiful Things of the Capital, the Tomon Hyakka was configured as an imaginative and varied repertoire of decorative elements, which could be used as a reference for the creation of textiles: motifs from Japanese folklore, vegetables, animals and exquisite abstract compositions, where bold combinations of colours and shapes give rise to delicate designs.
As a whole, it is a defence of Japanese artistic tradition at a time when it was threatened by sudden cultural and social changes at the end of the 19th century. Faced with the processes of modernisation and westernisation of the country, this set of designs was a proposal for the preservation of its own tradition.
This edition, which respects the Japanese reading order, from right to left, includes an introduction by Alejandro M. Sanz Guillén, Banco de España - Museo del Prado Fellow in the Conservation of Drawings and Prints, which puts the book in context, how it was conceived and produced, and its subsequent influence.
ISBN: 978-84-8480-625-7