"Tryptich of The Adoration of The...
"Tryptich of The Adoration of The Magi" Magnetic Bookmark
"Tryptich of The Adoration of The Magi" Magnetic Bookmark

"Tryptich of The Adoration of The Magi" magnetic bookmark

11.7 x 4.3 cm.

The thistle leaves symbol of the Passion, the representation of Abner kneeling before King David in the vessel carried by the Magician, the Phoenix that evokes the Resurrection of Christ, are just examples of the symbolism that is an inherent part of the works of Hieronymus Bosch and that can be seen in this small detail of The Adoration of the Magi (Ca. 1494), which is reproduced in this practical magnetic bookmark. With it you can easily return to the place where you interrupted a reading.


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