"The Grape Harvest or Autumn" pocket...
"The Grape Harvest or Autumn" pocket...
"The Grape Harvest or Autumn" Pocket Mirror with top

"The Grape Harvest or Autumn" pocket mirror with top

7.3 cm in diameter. Covers finished in fabric.

Dressed in yellow clothes that symbolize autumn, a young man sitting on a stone offers a cluster of black grapes to a lady. Here, following Western painting´s traditional iconography, The Grape Harvest or Autumn (1786) is one of the tapestry cartoons in the Prado Museum in which Goya recreated scenes from daily life in Madrid at the end of the 18th century. It is reproduced on the cover of this accessory, which has a double mirror, one of them magnifying and, thanks to its cover, you can carry it comfortably in your bag or pocket, preventing the glass from getting dirty or breaking.


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