Pintura del siglo XIX en el Museo del Prado. Catálogo General 6940 €85.00 Authors: José Luis Díez and Ana Gutiérrez. Spanish. Hardcover. 24 x 30 cm. 704 pages. This catalogue, published in 2015, is the first publication that includes the whole 19th Century Collection of the Museo Nacional del Prado. Add to basket
Historia del Museo de Arte Moderno 9222 €17.00 Author: Ana Gutiérrez Márquez. Spanish. Paperback. 24 x 15 cm. 318 pages. First volume of the Bicentenary Collection, dedicated to the history of the now defunct Museum of Modern Art, whose eventful existence helps to understand the origin of the Museo del Prado current collection of 19th century art. Add to basket
Cuaderno C. Francisco de Goya Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de 9973 €40.00 Author: Francisco de Goya, with a text by José Manuel Matilla. Multilingual edition: Spanish, English, French, tialian and German. Hardback with fabric. 16,5 x 22,5 cm. 304 pages. Co-edited with the international publishing house SKIRA, the Museo del Prado presents this unique book that reproduces the Francisco de Goya's skechbook Cuaderno C. Add to basket
El imaginario español en las exposiciones universales del siglo XIX 9788437641577 €28.95 Author: Viera, Manuel. Spanish. Soft cover. 405 pages. Cátedra, 2020. View
Fortuny o el arte como distinción de clase 9788437637266 €21.95 Author: Reyero, Carlos. Spanish. Hard cover. 400 pages Cátedra, 2017. Add to basket
Idilio. Apuntes de Fortuny Fortuny y Marsal, Mariano 8391 €15.00 Author: Montesol. Spanish. Hardcover. 18 x 26 cm. 64 pages. The third comic book published by the Museo del Prado, by the painter and illustrator Montesol, narrates the initiatory journey to Tangiers of a young man influenced by the work of Fortuny, whose inspiration can be seen in his way of capturing reality. Add to basket
13 women artists children should know 9783791343334 €14.95 Author: Schumann, Bettina. English. Hard cover. 24.7 x 28.5 cm. 48 pages. Prestel, 2009. Illustrated book about the thirteen most important women artists in the history of art explained to children, with activities for their learning. Add to basket