-5% El Greco. Santo Domingo el Antiguo 00014986 €14.25 €15.00 Edited by Leticia Ruiz Gómez, head of the Department of Spanish Renaissance Painting, Museo del Prado. Spanish. Paperback. 13 x 18 cm. 64 pages. Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition El Greco. Santo Domingo el Antiguo, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 18 February to 15 June 2025. Add to basket
-5% Sigmar Polke. Afinidades desveladas 00014875 €30.40 €32.00 Edited by Gloria Moure, art historian and curator of the exhibition. Spanish, with texts translated to English. Hardcover. 22 x 27 cm. 204 pages. Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition Sigmar Polke. Affinities Revealed, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 26 November 2024 to 16 March 2025. Add to basket
-5% Un paseo botánico por el Prado 00014871 €20.81 €21.90 Author: Eduardo Barba Gómez, landscape gardener and lecturer, specialising in research into the botanical aspects of works of art. Spanish (also available in English). Paperback. 12.5 x 19.5 cm. 128 pages. Book published on the occasion of the itinerary A Botanical Stroll Through the Prado, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 28 October... Add to basket
-5% Darse la mano. Escultura y color en el Siglo de Oro 00014873 €35.15 €37.00 Texts by Manuel Arias Martínez, Head of the Department of Sculpture at the Museo Nacional del Prado. Spanish (also available in English). Hardback. 18 x 24 cm. 424 pages. Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition Hand in Hand. Sculpture and colour in the Spanish Golden Age, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 19 November 2024 to... Add to basket
-5% El taller de Rubens 00014869 €23.75 €25.00 Edited by Alejandro Vergara, Museo del Prado Senior Curator Flemish Painting and Northern Schools (to 1700). Spanish (also available in English). Hardback. 22 x 27 cm. 168 pages Catalogue of the exhibition Rubens’s Workshop, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 15 October 2024 to 16 February 2025. Add to basket
-5% A Botanical Stroll through the Prado 00014872 €20.81 €21.90 Author: Eduardo Barba Gómez, landscape gardener and lecturer, specialising in research into the botanical aspects of works of art. English (also available in Spanish). Paperback. 12.5 x 19.5 cm. 128 pages. Book published on the occasion of the itinerary A Botanical Stroll Through the Prado, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 28 October... Add to basket
-5% Hand in Hand: Sculpture and colour in the Spanish Golden Age 00014874 €35.15 €37.00 Texts by Manuel Arias Martínez, Head of the Department of Sculpture at the Museo Nacional del Prado. English (also available in Spanish). Hardback. 18 x 24 cm. 424 pages. Catalogue published on the occasion of the exhibition Hand in Hand. Sculpture and colour in the Spanish Golden Age, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 19 November 2024 to... Add to basket
-5% Rubens's Workshop 00014870 €23.75 €25.00 Edited by Alejandro Vergara, Museo del Prado Senior Curator Flemish Painting and Northern Schools (to 1700). English (also available in Spanish). Hardback. 22 x 27 cm. 168 pages Catalogue of the exhibition Rubens’s Workshop, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, from 15 October 2024 to 16 February 2025. Add to basket
-5% Reversos 00014063 €38.00 €40.00 Edited by Miguel Ángel Blanco, artist and curator of the exhibition. Spanish. Hardcover. 21 x 24 cm. 336 pages. The book includes the essays in English. Published on the occasion of the exhibition On the Reverse, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 7 November 2023 to 3 March 2024. Add to basket
-5% Del lapicero al buril. El dibujo para grabar en tiempos de Goya 00014001 €33.25 €35.00 Edited by Ana Hernández Pugh y José Manuel Matilla, curator of the exhibition and Head of Drawings and Prints at the Museo del Prado. Spanish. Paperback. 17 x 23 cm. 264 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition From Pencil to Burin. Drawings for Printmaking in Goya's Day, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 17 October 2023 to 14 January 2024. Add to basket
-5% El espejo perdido 00013953 €30.40 €32.00 Edited by Joan Molina Figueras, curator of the exhibition and Head of Spanish Gothic Painting at the Museo del Prado. Spanish. Hardcover. 21.4 x 26.7 cm. 240 pages. Also available in English. Published on the occasion of the exhibition The Lost Mirror. Jews and Conversos in Medieval Spain, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 10 October 2023 to 14... Add to basket
-5% The Lost Mirror 00013954 €30.40 €32.00 Edited by Joan Molina Figueras, curator of the exhibition and Head of Spanish Gothic Painting at the Museo del Prado. English. Hardcover. 21.4 x 26.7 cm. 240 pages. Also available in Spanish. Published on the occasion of the exhibition The Lost Mirror. Jews and Conversos in Medieval Spain, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 10 October 2023 to 14... Add to basket
-5% Picasso, el Greco y el cubismo analítico 00013746 €15.20 €16.00 Edited by Carmen Giménez, independent art curator and creator and first director of the Museo Picasso in Málaga. Spanish. Paperback. 19.5 x 27 cm. 72 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Picasso, El Greco and Analytical Cubism, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 13 June to 17 September 2023. Add to basket
-5% Herrera el Mozo y el Barroco total 00013537 €30.40 €32.00 Edited by Benito Navarrete, Professor of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid. Spanish. Paperback. 24 x 28 cm. 320 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Herrera the Younger. The Absolute Baroque, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 25 April to 30 July 2023. Add to basket
-5% Guido Reni (Spanish) 00013385 €35.15 €37.00 Edited by David García Cueto, curator of the exhibition and Curator of Italian and French Painting up to 1800 at Museo Nacional del Prado. Spanish. Paperback. 24 x 30 cm. 440 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Guido Reni, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 28 March to 9 July 2023. Add to basket
-5% Guido Reni (English) 00013386 €35.15 €37.00 Edited by David García Cueto, curator of the exhibition and Curator of Italian and French Painting up to 1800 at Museo Nacional del Prado. English. Paperback. 24 x 30 cm. 440 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Guido Reni, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 28 March to 9 July 2023. Add to basket
-5% Obras maestras españolas de la Frick Collection 00013314 €14.25 €15.00 Edited by Javier Portús, curator of the exhibition and Chief Curator of Spanish Painting up to 1800 at Museo Nacional del Prado. Spanish. Paperback. 13 x 18 cm. 64 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Spanish Masterpieces from The Frick Collection, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 7 March to 2 July 2023. Add to basket
-5% Annibale Carracci. Los frescos de la capilla Herrera en Roma Carracci, Annibale 00012116 €26.60 €28.00 Edited by Andrés Úbeda de los Cobos, curator of the exhibition and Deputy Director of Conservation and Research at the Museo del Prado. Spanish. Paperback. 22 x 27.5 cm. 200 pages. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Annibale Carracci. The frescoes of the Herrera Chapel, held at the Museo Nacional del Prado from 8 March to 12 June 2022. Add to basket
-5% Pintura del siglo XIX en el Museo del Prado. Catálogo General 6940 €80.75 €85.00 Authors: José Luis Díez and Ana Gutiérrez. Spanish. Hardcover. 24 x 30 cm. 704 pages. This catalogue, published in 2015, is the first publication that includes the whole 19th Century Collection of the Museo Nacional del Prado. Add to basket
-5% Historia del Museo de Arte Moderno 9222 €16.15 €17.00 Author: Ana Gutiérrez Márquez. Spanish. Paperback. 24 x 15 cm. 318 pages. First volume of the Bicentenary Collection, dedicated to the history of the now defunct Museum of Modern Art, whose eventful existence helps to understand the origin of the Museo del Prado current collection of 19th century art. Add to basket
-5% Cuaderno C. Francisco de Goya Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de 9973 €38.00 €40.00 Author: Francisco de Goya, with a text by José Manuel Matilla. Multilingual edition: Spanish, English, French, tialian and German. Hardback with fabric. 16,5 x 22,5 cm. 304 pages. Co-edited with the international publishing house SKIRA, the Museo del Prado presents this unique book that reproduces the Francisco de Goya's skechbook Cuaderno C. Add to basket
-5% El imaginario español en las exposiciones universales del siglo XIX 9788437641577 €27.50 €28.95 Author: Viera, Manuel. Spanish. Soft cover. 405 pages. Cátedra, 2020. Add to basket
-5% Fortuny o el arte como distinción de clase 9788437637266 €20.85 €21.95 Author: Reyero, Carlos. Spanish. Hard cover. 400 pages Cátedra, 2017. Add to basket
-5% Idilio. Apuntes de Fortuny Fortuny y Marsal, Mariano 8391 €14.25 €15.00 Author: Montesol. Spanish. Hardcover. 18 x 26 cm. 64 pages. The third comic book published by the Museo del Prado, by the painter and illustrator Montesol, narrates the initiatory journey to Tangiers of a young man influenced by the work of Fortuny, whose inspiration can be seen in his way of capturing reality. Add to basket
-5% 13 women artists children should know 9783791343334 €14.20 €14.95 Author: Schumann, Bettina. English. Hard cover. 24.7 x 28.5 cm. 48 pages. Prestel, 2009. Illustrated book about the thirteen most important women artists in the history of art explained to children, with activities for their learning. Add to basket
-5% La estética del Barroco 9788477745983 €14.16 €14.90 Author: Snyder, Jon R. Spanish. Softcover. 192 pages. Visor Libros, 2014 Add to basket
-5% Nacidos bajo el signo de Saturno 9788437634746 €26.13 €27.50 Author: Wittkower, Rudolf; Wittkower, Margot. Spanish. Rustic. 376 pages. Ediciones Catedra, 2015. Add to basket
-5% La pintura de la Ilustración: De Watteau a Goya 9788416072484 €37.91 €39.90 Author: Todorov, Tzvetan. Spanish. Hardcover. 216 pages. Galaxia Gutenberg, 2014. Add to basket
-5% La Biblia de las letras iluminadas. Un tesoro de la caligrafía decorativa 9788496669192 €25.18 €26.50 Author: Morgan, Margaret. Spanish. Rings. 256 pages. Hermann Blume Ed. (Tursen), 2007. Add to basket
-5% Vida de Rafael de Urbino. Pintor y arquitecto 9788437630311 €9.45 €9.95 Author: Giorgio Vasari Spanish. Softcover. 96 pages. Publisher Cátedra, 2012 Add to basket
-5% Anatomía artística (spanish) 9788425228988 €16.06 €16.90 Author: Lauricella, Michael. Spanish. Soft cover. 15 x 20.8 cm. 320 pages. Gustavo Gili, 2016. A drawing book that addresses the theme of artistic anatomy, and facilitates our understanding of the morphology and structure of the human body. Add to basket
-5% Dibujar la luz 9788425230523 €17.10 €18.00 Authors: Peter Boerboom, Tim Proetel Spanish. Paperback. 176 pages. Gustavo Gili, 2017 Add to basket
-5% Dibujar el espacio 9788425230516 €17.10 €18.00 Authors: Peter Boerboom, Tim Proetel Spanish. Paperback. 160 pages. Gustavo Gili, 2018. Add to basket
-5% Pintura barroca en España, 1600-1750 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban 9788437626840 €34.15 €35.95 Author: Perez Sanchez, Alfonso. Cartone. Spanish. 560 pages Cátedra,2010 Add to basket
-5% Mitologías. Poesías de Tiziano para Felipe II (spanish) 9788417930370 €22.80 €24.00 Autor: Checa Cremades, Fernando. Spanish. Soft cover. 336 pages. Casimiro Libros, 2021. View
-5% Guido Reni 9788419524102 €7.60 €8.00 Author: Bolognini Amorini, Antonio Spanish. Paperback. 64 pages. Casimiro, 2022. Add to basket
-5% Introducción al arte barroco. El gran teatro del mundo 9788437634159 €16.10 €16.95 Author: Blasco Esquivias, Beatriz. Spanish. Paperback. 256 pages. Ediciones Cátedra, 2015. Add to basket
-5% Murillo y las metáforas de la imagen 9788437637655 €24.65 €25.95 Author: Navarrete Prieto, Benito. Spanish. Soft cover. 360 pages. Cátedra, 2017. Add to basket
-5% How to read medieval art 9781588395979 €28.17 €29.65 Author: Stein, Wendy A. Spanish. Rustic. 176 pages. Editorial Metropolitan Museum of Art NY, 2016. Add to basket
-5% Mater Dolorosa 9788430604418 €24.61 €25.90 Author: Álvarez Junco, José. Spanish. Paperback. 684 pages. Editorial TAURUS, 2001. View
-5% Antonio Fillol (1870-1930) 9788490890264 €38.00 €40.00 Author: Alcaide, José Luis/ Pérez Rojas, F. Javier. Spanish. Rustic. 222 pages. ELCA EDICIONES, 2015. Add to basket
-5% Precursoras del feminismo 9788412471649 €23.66 €24.90 Author: Botello Méndez, David. Spanish. Rustic. 248 pages. Clave Intelectual Ediciones, 2022. View
-5% Caravaggio. The Ecce Homo unveiled 9791254631508 €26.60 €28.00 Title: Caravaggio. The Ecce Homo unveiled. Author: AAVV Publisher: MARSILIO EDITORI Year: 2023 ISBN: 9791254631508 Format: Paperback Pages: 167 Language: Spanish Add to basket
-5% ¿Qué es la calidad en el arte? 9788412418682 €21.38 €22.50 Author: Vergara, Sharp, Alejandro Spanish. Rustic. 120 pages. MACHADO. Add to basket
-5% La grandeza de Rubens 00014235 €42.75 €45.00 Authors: Laura Alba Carcelén, Trinidad de Antonio, Juan Bordes, Nils Büttner, María Cruz de Carlos Varona, Miguel Falomir, Jaime García-Máiquez, Noelia García Pérez, Ana García Sanz, Gerlinde Gruber, Friso Lammertse, Palma Martínez-Burgos García, Raffaella Morselli, Natalia Muñoz-Rojas, Javier Portús, Juan Ángel Vela del Campo, Alejandro Vergara, Bert... Add to basket
-5% GOYA. CAPRICHOS, DESASTRES, TAUROMAQUIA, DISPARATES 9788425209802 €14.25 €15.00 Author: Paas-Zeidler, Sigrun Spanish. Soft cover. 220 pages. Gustavo Gili, 1980. Add to basket
-5% Goya, Saturno y melancolía 9788477749493 €18.91 €19.90 Author: Nordström, Folke. Spanish. Softcover. 288 pages. La Balsa de la Medusa, 2013 Add to basket
-5% Arte Moderno 1870 9783836555371 €19.00 €20.00 Author: A.A.V.V. Spanish. Fabric. 692 pages. Taschen, 2017. Add to basket
-5% CONTEMPORARY ART 9780500296707 €16.15 €17.00 Author: AA.VV. Spanish. Cloth. 176 pages. Thames & Hudson. 2023. Add to basket
-5% COLOR Y SIGNIFICADO 9788419036407 €32.30 €34.00 Author: Cage, John Spanish. Pocket . 592 pages. Acantilado, 2023. Add to basket
-5% LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ART 9780854883196 €18.53 €19.50 Author: AA.VV. English. Paperback. 96 pages. Whitechapel Art Gallery, 2024 Add to basket
-5% PAPER AND LIGHT 9781606069301 €28.98 €30.50 Author: Brooks, Julian; Sullivan, Michelle. English. Paperback. 112 pages. J. Paul Getty Museum, 2023. View
-5% SIGMAR POLKE 9788434313378 €57.00 €60.00 Author: Moure, Gloria English. Soft cover. 328pages. Ediciones Poligrafa, 2014. View